Regular chimney maintenance is crucial for ensuring the safety and efficiency of your fireplace. While it's generally recommended to have your chimney professionally cleaned annually, All Pro Chimney Sweeps understands that each situation is unique. We don't automatically schedule yearly visits because, in many cases, they may not be necessary.
Regular cleaning of both the stove and chimney flue is essential for maintaining the efficient and safe operation of your pellet stove. Your owner’s manual emphasizes the importance of annual cleaning to ensure the safety and longevity of your stove.
We meticulously clean and inspect every component of the heat exchanger, leaving no part unchecked. This includes removing and cleaning all plates within the unit, as well as the ash pan, burn pot, and fans. We also thoroughly inspect and clean the exhaust assembly, the probe linked to the device's computer, and the butterfly valve.
It's crucial to avoid using a regular household vacuum cleaner for this task due to the potential risk of hidden warm embers beneath ash, which acts as an insulator. Instead, we recommend using a Shop Vac specifically designed for this type of job to ensure safe and effective cleaning.
Once you've had your final fire of the season, it's essential to promptly remove any remaining old pellets from your stove. Allowing unused pellets to sit can lead to them settling and adhering to the interior surfaces of the stove, making cleaning more challenging and potentially causing rust.